30 Minute Yoga Class to Relieve Stress | Reduce Anxiety, Calm Down, and Unwind
This 30-minute yoga sequence was designed to release tension from the areas of your body where we carry most of our stress. It's a great way to calm down and feel more grounded and at ease.
To begin, we will take a forward bend and twist in easy pose (sukhasana), and then we'll come into a child's pose (balasana). We will twist while in child's pose and also come to puppy pose for a twist. Next we'll come through downward facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana) and into tadasana for a neck and shoulder stretch.
Next we'll come into a standing forward bend (uttanasana) before taking a hip stretch on both sides in downward dog. We'll then take a wide legged forward bend (prasarita padottonasana) and flow in and out of goddess pose.
Following that, we will come to a sitting down and take a seated forward fold series (baddha konasana, janu sirsasana). We'll then come to laying down on our backs and hug knees into the chest (apanasana), then twist on both sides. Then we will take a supine pigeon pose (thread the needle) before coming into savasana.